Masiyiwa is 150th speaker at the 23rd World Energy Conference

26 February 2016

Econet Wireless Group executive chairman Strive Masiyiwa [/Caption]

The World Energy Congress is regarded as the most influential and inclusive gathering of senior leaders from all segments of the energy community and attracts speakers with global reputations from senior figures in politics, business and academia.

Masiyiwa said he was delighted to have been selected to speak at the energy congress.

“Following the progress made in Paris last year, the Congress is an important platform to continue that momentum. I look forward to discussing how we can continue to grow Africa’s energy market and accelerate investments that move us towards a low carbon energy future,” he said.

Masiyiwa rose to prominence after launching a five-year legal battle to secure an operating licence for Econet Wireless Zimbabwe. The company is now the country’s largest mobile operator accounting for more than 50% of the mobile telephony market share. His company was to launch another legal battle in Nigeria.
In a recent interview with Focus Magazine, Masiyiwa said the court battles in Zimbabwe and Nigeria tested the countries’ legal systems which are pivotal for the sustainability of real business.

“Because if you have property, you want to know that it can be protected. You shouldn’t be expecting to have it protected by the big man in office called the president. There has to be a system, there has to be a judiciary and there has to be rule of law,” he said.

Masiyiwa has also been involved in philanthropy, mobilising resources for the needy on the continent.
