hrough a breakfast meeting organized by the Computer Society of Zimbabwe at Meikles Hotel, the Microsoft delegation managed to successfully interface with Zim business executives, chief information officers and other technology industry stakeholders
Mr Rotimi Olumide who led the Microsoft Windows delegation explained how the Microsoft Windows Business Division has evolved over the years and its impact on the future of the Zimbabwean economy.
A very passionate technologist who knows his trade very well managed to entice the audience with a well-structured presentation, where he managed to explain the current and future business solutions to be offered by Microsoft to its Zim users and the rest of Africa.
Rotimi Olumide went on to explain the architecture behind the latest Windows 10 operating system. He emphasized that the operating system will be always available for free download to the users even beyond July 2016 for those who are on trial versions.
Dr Win Mlambo - Microsoft Even
Dr. Win Mlambo poses his question to the Microsoft Panel during the Question and Answer session.
He went on to explain that the latest operating system has built in security systems such as internal firewalls and other Intrusion Prevention Systems designed to protect user data. He also said upcoming Applications Developers are able to use the system to build their products.
He further highlighted that the latest Windows 10 will offer Enterprise Business Solutions such as Microsoft Dynamics. This feature enables all Microsoft users to access real-time information and collaborate on diversified business issues. The Ms Dynamics incorporates the Customer Engagement Solutions (CRM) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) softwares that provide business intelligence on supply chain management and business reports.
The Microsoft Dynamics offers mobility as it was specifically designed to counter the demands of Bring Your Own Device market model where people are to collaborate on business issues without the limit of borders. This converged solution will combines Ms Dynamics with Office, Skype and Yammer where organizations are able to connect instantly with their roaming teams.
Rotimi Olumide went on explain the relevance of using Windows 10 to provide services such as music, visual editing tools, finance analyzing tools, latest news, health service delivery technologies, weather reports, tour guides for tourists among other vast features that will simplify the future for the next generations.
He ended his spirited presentation by playing video on how the Microsoft Windows technology has managed to change the lives of the people of Uganda. A very emotional high definition video that touched the audience, showing the audience on how Microsoft has managed to change the lives of common Ugandan citizens through offering online health services and learning tools. We were left craving to have such technologies implemented in our own Zim societies and without doubt, we will be able to see poverty alleviation across all walks of life.
Dr. G Hapanyengwi
Dr. G Hapanyengwi, the President of the Computer Society of Zimbabwe
Rotimi Olumide later led his Microsoft Panel that managed to tackle the questions thrown at them by the present technology stakeholders. The lightest moment came when the Deputy Minister of ICT, Dr Win Mlambo posed his question. He said that some of the features on the Microsoft operating are not of relevance to the African users and Microsoft has a confusing habit of launching a new operating systems when the users are starting to get accustomed to the latest one.
To the delight of the crowd, Dr Win Mlambo aired his own view by saying Windows 98 was the best operating system produced by Microsoft until today due to its user friendliness. He asked when will Microsoft stop confusing its users by releasing a series of operating systems in a space of few years.
The Microsoft Panel led by Rotimi Olumide countered the Deputy Minister’s question by surprising the audience when Microsoft’s Head of Marketing to Asia announced that Windows 10 will be the last operating system to be released by Microsoft. He further explained that they corporation’s development team will now focus on adding new features to the current Windows 10 rather than designing another operating system when new technological needs arise.
He said that this innovation will save the users from buying latest operating systems but rather resort to upgrading to the new features of the Windows 10. Rotimi Olumide also intervened by announcing that Microsoft Windows will be from now onwards start offering cutting edge technology that is easily accessible over one operating system.
Other business leaders took turns to throw questions to the panel including how bearable will be the costs of running the Windows 10 at corporate level. The panel enlightened the audience by announcing that software packages will come for as little as $2 for schools and other costs will be tailor made according to specific business requirements. Ordinary users can resort to the free secure downloads available on the Internet hence by cutting off software piracy.
Up to date, the Microsoft team announced that their operating system has over 200 million users world over and the numbers will continue as Microsoft continue to widen its wings in delivering cutting edge technology across all sectors.