ZOL caters for price sensitive market, launches new fibre package priced at $29 for 15GB

7 April 2016

The new package, which is priced at $29, joins the already existing lineup of ZOL Fibroniks packages and it is designed to provide the cheapest fibre to the home package yet from ZOL and every other internet service provider in the country.

For $29 ZOL Fibroniks Lite subscribers get 15 GB of data with download and upload speeds of up to 5Mbps, a free ZOLphone cordless handset for ZOL’s VoIP service, and free installation for anyone signing up for the first time to ZOL’s fibre to the home service.

This new package comes on the heels of ZOL’s recent adjustment of data caps on its previous packages which have now given the previous $39 entry package a 25 GB data cap and moved the $89 cap to 50 GB.


By any account, a $29 package for a fibre connection is commendable, especially since it carries the same data cap that was previously placed on a $39 package.

This represents an ultimate lowering of data costs, something that is welcome especially for Fibre to the Home services that offer subscribers the option to tap into a set of over the top services which include triple play products that incorporate voice communication and entertainment like Video On Demand (VOD) services.

It is worth noting, however, that 15 GB of data that is delivered through symmetric upload and download speeds not only means a fast connection, but also a faster consumption of broadband, something which will make Fibroniks Lite the gateway drug for fibre access to the first time customers that ZOL is targeting.
