Specifically, we’ll explore the following:
The size of the internet video market right now. We would like to quantify this as much as possible even in dollars
The players, that is platforms, creators, supporters (like advertisers), enablers (like payment gateways)
The growth of the internet economy over the past couple of years
The business of Internet videos vs the the old traditional model (channels)… What’s shifted, what remains the same, what the significant opportunities have been
The potential of the industry locally with a look at experiences in the region and globally
Piracy in internet video – like the issues of free loading, YouTube piracy.
We work to answer these questions starting today. All the articles for this month can be found here.
This is what we have right now. If there’s anything not listed here that you think is important, please let us know in the comments. Enough talking, let’s get to work!