Tapiwanashe Matangira Develops A Mobile Publishing System

21 March 2016

With digitization takeover the Zimbabwean industry as well, one Tapiwanashe Matangira is leading the technological revolution after he recently developed a mobile publishing system.

The publishing system provides a two way traffic system which allows the recipients to give feedback via comments. Followers are also able to place booking for future articles. To make the system more users friendly, the publishing system allows push notifications to give timely updates if enabled.

Tapiwanashe said the system allows multiple authors to co-work on articles during content creation and development. Like the video webinars, authors are able to work on articles from different locations across the world.

The mobile publishing system is anchored by two mobile apps, the one for the publisher and the other for followers. The followers’s app will receive all the published articles by the author through real time alert messages. On the vice versa, the publisher (author) will then receive real time comments from followers as they start commenting.
