Computer Society Of Zimbabwe Partners Microsoft To Host “The Digital Future – Technology Trends Of Tomorrow”

23 February 2016

The event will start at 7:30 AM with a welcome by CSZ’s Director of Ceremonies followed by Dr G Hapanyengwi, starting the core business of the day with a presentation on the Digital Future topic.

The Minister of ICT, Mr Mandiwanzira will initiate the official opening of the event at 8:15. Mr Rotimi Olumide will later take the stage to present on the Technology Trends of Tomorrow where the audience will be expected to get much more insight on Microsoft’s future business solutions.

Later on the delegates will be given an opportunity to ask their questions in a session that will be spearheaded by the Microsoft Panel. The purpose of this event will be to give insight on the current digital trends and what to expect on the future digitalization programs.
