ZOL Free Wi-fi Redefines Convenience

9 February 2016

All the best things in life are for free, and i cant help but agree with ZOL Zimbabwe. I really need to check that very urgent email, respond to it immediately and then just after, I may browse the hot morning news trending and  I may tweet a little more and share those Facebook pics just before i call it a day.

And guess what? This was all for free courtey of ZOL Zimbabwe and has slowly become a habit for most youths in Harare, at least once every day.

There has been a lot of serious transformation in our Wifi ecosystem, which initially saw ZOL providing free Wifi some years ago before terminating it again and going on prize war with Telone Wifi as well.

The verdict is simple, ZOL went back to basics and offered it for absolutely free again, ultimately it won the Wi-fi war against TelOne, but again Wi-fi is only as good as it gets closer to your location and noon has nationa wifi coverage in Zimbabwe, unless the TelOne Metro Wi-fi deal breath into life.

Walk around any Harare street today and you will see that every business is offering some type of promotion such as a sale, a special offer or discounts for specific groups. Businesses are aggressively competing in a difficult economic environment as price conscious consumers continue to look for added value.

In this age of smartphones and tablets free Wi-Fi offers businesses an opportunity to attract and retain new customers, while for millions of Zimbabweans out there, only the best things are for free

ZOL Zimbabwe one of the Internet service providers has mastered that business concept, hence offering free WIFI for 30 minutes in all Inscor food outlets around town.

In all honesty this has been a life saver to most onliners especially those who want to quickly check their e-mails and respond. With 30 minutes, packaged with 50 MB of data you can do a lot especially those issues that need urgent attention. I am a testimony of the 30 minutes free WIFI, I had an urgent assignment that needed to be solved but with limited data in my phone.

When I ran out of my data bundles, the only thing that quickly came to my mind was the ZOL free WIFI. The 30 minutes free Wi-Fi internet saved my day just like what Airtime Credit Facility would do to anyone in desperate  need of airtime.

Free Wi-Fi access is fast becoming a prominent customer expectation. Consumer-facing small and medium-sized businesses not currently offering their customers free Wi-Fi may soon find themselves at a serious competitive disadvantage — if they’re not already.

WiFi allows businesses such as cafes, pubs and restaurants to attract customers which they would not have attracted in the past. From experience we know that sitting alone in a café or bar is an awkward experience and discourages us from sitting alone on a regular basis.

A recent survey found that 53% of people surveyed would be happy to sit alone in a cafe if WiFi was available. Free WiFi access helps people connect with friends online and removes the stigma of sitting alone.

The deal between Innscor Zimbabwe and ZOL to provide free WIFI for 30 minutes every day makes business sense in that it increases the time spent on premises. Consumers tend to stay longer if they can use their tablets and laptops via WiFi, meaning it’s a benefit to Innscor Zimbabwe hopefully thee client will be buying omething not jut coming in for free Wifi.

Different business owners have different goals for providing free WiFi to customers. Some do it in order to provide better customer service (and attract those 5-star online reviews!). Some do it to bring more customers in the door. Some deploy free WiFi to get customers to buy more.

According to researches, the ones who deployed it to serve customers better reported the highest success rates, at a whopping 79 percent. After that, the ones who offered free WiFi to improve sales numbers had the next highest rate of success (72%). Increasing foot traffic in the door rated the third highest success at 69%.

- Technomag Zimbabwe