We have been informed that today, local mobile operator, Econet Wireless, will be launching its new zero-rated e-learning product called Ruzivo Digital Learning.
Ruzivo is an online digital learning platform endorsed by the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education Curriculum Development Unit(CDU). It is meant to offer interactive learning to Primary and Secondary School children. According to the content available on the site www.ruzivodigitallearning.co.zw, for now, Ruzivo will only be catering for Primary School children in this first iteration.
The learning material is also specific to the Zimbabwean learning curriculum, something that ought to give the interactive learning tool a huge advantage over other e-learning platforms from other providers on the market, like e-Learning Solutions, which have content that is not entirely aligned with local syllabi.
On creating an account and signing up for the service (which costs a minimum of $2 a month and is only payable via EcoCash) students have access to learning material for Mathematics, Science and English. The learning experience is delivered through interactive exercises.
News on Ruzivo first broke a year ago when Econet was still putting together a team that would be involved in the e-learning project. At the time, Ruzivo, which was explained as a partnership between Econet and an independent entity in charge of content creation called Ruzivo Digital Learning. The entire project was linked to Higher Life Foundation, the philanthropic entity founded by The Maisyiwa Family.
Since then the project has largely been executed in stealth mode, with limited links being made to Econet’s other e-learning endeavours like EcoSchool or Econet Zero.
- Technology Zimbabwe