POTRAZ was handing out free money yesterday, literally.

30 September 2016

We’ve attended events with free food and drinks, and even a carry away gift bag, but money? Never!

POTRAZ launched its ICT innovation fund for start-ups at the Rainbow Towers yesterday, and to our surprise $10 was being given to anyone who registered. Not only start-ups but attendants were being given $10, all you had to do was write your name down/register.

Possibly an oversight on the part of the organizing committee, or, part of their strategy to lure in a crowd,  all we know is that it was possible to pocket $10 at this event, and they had a “stack” of 10s.

Perhaps it was hard to tell who-is-who, but anyone could simply walk in, register as an attendant or start-up, and pocket $10. We do know the money was intended for “lunch” and possibly as a token of appreciation to those who pitched their products but left empty handed.

We will be posting a more detailed review of what we saw at yesterday’s event soon.
