iOS 9.3.2 Jailbreak Tool Could Be Released Next Week

4 July 2016

While news of iOS 10 already falling to jailbreakers (iOS 10 Has Been Jailbroken) gave the jailbreaking community some hope recently, the jury is still out as to whether any of the current teams such as Pangu will bother releasing a tool for iOS 9 at all.

However, at the recent MOSET 2016 event in Shanghai, some exciting rumors surfaced that suggest a tool is coming, and soon.

The event, co-hosted by the Pangu jailbreaking team, often sheds light on the latest jailbreaking techniques and as expected, there was a lot of focus on iOS 10, which is due for release later this year and has already been jailbroken, albeit with no public tool release.

However, a rumor has surfaced via, that one member of the Pangu team answered a question from an audience member who asked about the possibility of a jailbreak tool for iOS 9.3.2. The reply? That the tool will be released and could land within a week.

There are two exciting bits of news here. Firstly that the team could be considering a release at all for iOS 9 and secondly that the time frame is quite short. iOS 9.3.2 is the latest version of iOS that Apple has released to the public, and with iOS 9.3.3 now in its fourth beta version, a short timescale could mean the teams want to release the tool before that version lands.

What should you do as far as upgrading your version of iOS goes? For now, if you’re currently jailbroken, I wouldn’t do anything. This is all rumor and concrete news is, sadly, very rare in the current world of jailbreaking. If you’re currently not jailbroken but are using an older version of iOS, I think it’s unlikely a major release will come for anything older than the current version of iOS – ie iOS 9.3.2. Even if it does, it will be pure chance than you’re able to use it. Therefore, if you’re desperate to get your hands on the latest features, you could consider upgrading to iOS 9.3.2.