Hacker group Anonymous Africa says ZANU PF is a potential target

16 June 2016

After assuming responsibility for the attack and explaining how it managed to execute it (it’s been described as a DNS Reflection attack), Anonymous Africa has also promised to continue with its work and has mentioned some potential targets which include Zimbabwe’s ruling party ZANU PF.

According to South African tech publication, Mybroadband which interviewed Anonymous Africa, the hacktivist group has said,

Right now anything ANC, ZANU-PF, or EFF is fair game to us. We do have a thing for going after the corrupt and racist. I expect you can see some unjust institutions being targeted.

Anonymous Africa has, in the past, expressed some strong opinions on South African and Zimbabwean politics. Its Twitter name @zim4thewin suggests a relationship with Zimbabwe.

In 2013 it carried out a DoS (Denial of Service) attack on the South African news site Independent Online in protest of an article that it had published titled “Mugabe hero of African liberation”.

It went on to attack the ANC website citing how the South African party was supporting President Mugabe who it called a dictator. It has also attacked the Economic freedom Fighters (EFF) party website.

An attack on a website linked to ZANU PF would not be the first attack Anonymous has made on a Zimbabwean website, though. In 2013 it also attacked the Herald website.

The Herald is owned by Zimbabwe’s largest print media company Zimpapers, whose major shareholder is the Zimbabwean government.
