Zimbabwean actor Jestara “Master” Mziwande has landed a role in an upcoming Malawian movie titled “A Mother’s Story”. Mziwande is slowly fulfilling his dream of exporting his talent across the continent.
In his latest role Mziwande will rub shoulders with international and Malawian actors and many other prominent players in entertainment industry including Flora Suya who is a seasoned actor and script writer.
Mziwande is a passionate scriptwriter and actor who started off performing in street theatre and progressed to various television and movie roles.
In 2000 he starred as a gangster in popular series “Cobra” and in 2010 he had a role in a comedy drama titled “Valve”. Both productions were screened on ZTV. From there he landed a role in Munya Chidzonga’s movie “Lobola” and then in “Gringo the Troublemaker”.
His next movie was “The Lost Flowers”, a South African production which was shot in Johannesburg.
Mziwande said he is excited to have landed a spot in this upcoming Malawian production.
“The Malawian production will provide a different stage for me to showcase my ability. Our film industry is very slow as compared to other countries like, Ghana and South Africa, just to mention a few. I believe that practice makes one perfect so I took this opportunity to also improve my talent,” said Mziwande.
The Malawian movie revolves around a rejected widow who is struggling to make ends meet after the death of her husband and Mziwande provides a helping hand for the troubled widow.
Besides acting, Jestara also plays his social part in the Mbare where he is the chairman of the neighbourhood crime consultative committee, a group that helps the police to control crime in the area.
He is also a fitness trainer and provides security for high profile figures.
- The Herald (Zimpapers 1980 LTD)