ZimTrade empowers 262 women in export skills

23 May 2016

Speaking at an export awareness seminar organised by ZimTrade for members of the Professional Women, Women Executives and Business Women’s Forum (Proweb) and African Women’s Entrepreneurship Programme (Awep) in Bulawayo on Friday, the body’s regional office manager, Similo Nkala said women were vital to the economic development, hence, their efforts to develop their capacity and export skills.

“ZimTrade believes that women are vital to the development of the economy and can contribute significantly to the country’s exports and ultimately, GDP (gross domestic product), if equipped with the appropriate skills, hence, our efforts to develop the capacity and export skills of women in business,” he said.

“From 2014 to date, we have trained about 262 women entrepreneurs in export readiness, selling skills, how they can identify market opportunities and how they can benefit from trade agreements that Zimbabwe is signatory on.”
Nkala said, according to the International Trade Centre, creating more opportunities for women in trade was the right thing to do because women play a major role in the global economy.

“They invest the money from business in areas such as education, health and nutrition, creating a secure foundation for the future of their families and communities. So empowering women economically, especially through their involvement in trade, creates job opportunities for everyone,” he said.

The seminar covered topics such as, being export ready, identifying export opportunities, selling skills and branding for exceptional marketing.

The seminar, which is part of ZimTrade’s women empowerment initiatives, was aimed at developing and enhancing the export skills of women in business to become effective exporters.

Nkala said, as people in business, it was important that the women understand various requirements and documentation for exporting.

Proweb is a women’s economic empowerment forum established to enable professional, executives and business women to grow economically and socially, while making a difference in society. Similarly, the Awep network is an outreach, education and engagement initiative, established to develop women entrepreneurs and capacitate them for business and trade.

News Day