Speaking at the launch in Harare yesterday, Cimas group chief executive, Vulindlela Ndlovu said the new product had come at a time many people were failing to afford health services due to economic challenges.
“Among the challenges that Cimas members and Cimas itself face are the affordability of medical aid, the increase in health costs, deteriorating public health services and the rising incidence of non-communicable diseases, not to mention corruption and fraud,” he said.
“Cimas has, therefore, been working hard over the past few months to develop a package, which meets the growing demand for access to private hospitals at a manageable cost.
“Through concentrating on the benefits that are most commonly required and excluding some non-core benefits, we have been able to create a package that we believe should make private hospital care available to a larger number of people.”
The classic private hospital package offers affordable monthly contributions, access to quality private healthcare, including hospitalisation, generous medical benefit limit and generous prescription drug limit, among
Ndlovu said there was need to deal with corruption and fraud, as well as an agreement on tariffs between health funders and health service providers.
News Day