VID show cased the new tech at the just ended 57th Zimbabwe International Trade Fair (ZITF), the new system was exhibited at VID stand. Speaking to Ambassador Mary Sibusisiwe Mubi, Senior principal director in the Office of the President and Cabinet (OPC), at ZITF 2016 she said this was part of the e-governance drive meant to bring convenience to members of the public.
“Through the e-government processes we will have, in the long run, a situation where people will be having their provisional licenses tests online and get licenses much easier. You also reduce corruption because the more electronic systems we have, the less interface you have and the less likelihood of people asking for bribes and certain fees,” Ambassador Mubi said.
Before any one takes an exam they will have to take three eye test failure of which will lead to your disqualification. The test are divided to three levels depending on distance; close, medium and far
Once a person passes the eye test exam, they will proceed to register for the online exam given that they have the correct identity documents.
The examinations will be centrally administered at the VID head office in Harare, this will mean that each candidate will write diverse set of questions from the next candidate during the same session and in the same exam room.
She added that Zimbabwe had the technology infrastructure and should be fully exploited to aid the country in business.
“As part of the innovation, this is a push towards the use of ICT. We now have the infrastructure in Zimbabwe and we need to use it in Government processes to ensure that the private sector and the entrepreneurs are facilitated to do things in a faster way,” she said.