What changes should I expect to see with the migration from ZOL Zimbabwe to Liquid Home

Migration from ZOL to Liquid Home

Expect to see the following:

  1. Shops will be branded Liquid Home
  2. Marketing materials such as billboards and posters will be branded to Liquid Intelligent Technologies
  3. Our contact details shown below remain the same for your convenience and email addresses, the website and social media handles will change as follows:

    Phone numbers

    Area Phone numbers
    Billing 08677123123
    Sales 08677111111
    Support 08677123123


    Area Previous email address New email address
    Billing billing@teamzol.co.zw zw-billing@liquid.tech
    Sales sales@teamzol.co.zw zw-sales@liquid.tech
    Support support@teamzol.co.zw zw-support@liquid.tech
    Feedback feedback@teamzol.co.zw zw-feedback@liquid.tech
    Geeks zolgeeks@teamzol.co.zw zw-geeks@liquid.tech

    Website addresses

    Previous website New website
    zol.co.zw zw.liquidhome.tech
    myzol.co.zw zw.myliquidhome.tech
    myZOL - Knowledge Base myLiquid Home - Knowledge Base
    myZOL mobile app myLiquid Home (iOS & Android) mobile app

    Social media handle

      Previous handle New handle
    Twitter @ZOLconnect @LiquidhomeZIM
    Facebook @ZOLconnect @LiquidhomeZIM
    Instagram @ZOLconnect @LiquidhomeZIM
    Linked In ZOLconnect @LiquidhomeZIM
    TikTok @ZOLconnect @LiquidhomeZIM
    YouTube channel ZOLconnect Liquid homeZW