How do I top-up Liquid Home Phone?

Liquid Home Phone

Vouchers can be purchased:

  1. Online at with EcoCash and PayNow.
  2. From any Liquid Home shop.

liquidhomephone voip

For instant access, you can purchase top-ups in any of the following ways:

On the myLiquid Home website,

  1. Select the tab for your preferred method of purchase; Ecocash or PayNow.
  2. Click the VOIP button.
  3. Then fill-in the fields where required and select the top-up you'd like.
  4. Click the Order button to confirm.
  5. Follow prompts to complete the order.

On your myLiquid Home mobile app,

  1. Go to My AccountBuy a top-up.
  2. Click on the VoIP service you would like to purchase a top-up for.
  3. Select Purchase Top-up.
  4. Select your preferred method of purchase; EcocashPayNow or My Balance.
  5. Then fill-in the fields where required and select the top-up you'd like.
  6. Click the tick next to Purchase top-up to confirm.
  7. Follow prompts to complete the purchase.